Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) funding opportunity

Quarter 3 funding is open.

The IWT program is a grant funding resource, helping to off-set a portion of skills-based training costs for incumbent workers employed by Montana's private sector organizations. 

  • "Incumbent" is defined as an individual who is working a minimum of 20+ hours/week, consecutively for a minimum of 6 months.
  • Public, seasonal and non-paid workers/volunteers may NOT apply.

Organizations must demonstrate training will increase the worker's skill-level, result in a promotion or wage gain, or expand their market/increase revenue, with the intent of preserving existing jobs for Montana residents. 

 Applications must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the start of training date.
              Applications must be approved before training begins.

             Grant caps are tiered, based on the number of hours an eligible employee works:

  • 20-34 hours a week year-round $1,000 (part time status)
  • 35+ hours a week year-round $2,500 (full time status)

To see if your organization meets minimum qualifications, please visit


This is a competitive grant. Grant funding is allocated to the Montana Department of Labor & Industry (MDLI) on a State Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30) and is available on a first-come first-served basis. 

  • Funding is not guaranteed.  In order to ensure equitable distribution of funding across Montana, previous awardees or multiple submissions from any one employer may be waitlisted and/or denied.  
  • The review team also measures number of requests from one county and/or number of requests that indicate the same trainer may also be waitlisted or denied.

The following are not eligible for incumbent worker training grant funding:

  • All staff training;
  • Continuing education required to maintain professional certification or licensure;
  • Courses for degree completion;
  • Training customarily required or provided by the business or industry;
  • Conferences, Trade Shows, Expos, Summits; 
  • Training that occurred prior to the grant request being awarded;
  • Subscription/Membership related trainings;
  • Retreats;
  • Trainings that exceed a year's time from start to finish;
  • Training for which the incumbent worker was hired to do.

Refer to the MCA and ARM for criteria, rulemaking, requirements, processes, evaluation/limitations, claims and appeals.

Work-Based Learning Reimbursement Request

The Work-Based Learning (WBL) funding opportunity is for registered employers, who hold an agreement with academic institutions, to provide paid and/or non-paid on-the-job instruction to students in exchange for scholastic credit. Registered employers must maintain compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations, including workers' compensation coverage to protect the student and the employer.

If you do not have an Agreement in place as a registered Work-Based Learning provider, you are not eligible for reimbursement.  

To learn more about this program, visit: Work-Based Learning (

How the Reimbursement Request Works

If the employer experiences increased worker compensation fees to cover participating students as a Work Based Learning site, the employer may apply for reimbursement to offset the increased fee. Qualifying applications must demonstrate a rise in worker’s compensation coverage as a direct result of providing on-the-job instruction of students 18 years of age and under. Annual fee increases or rate hikes in response to claims are not eligible.

Application Process 

Reference: 24.22.713 : REIMBURSEMENT APPLICATION PROCESS - Administrative Rules of the State of Montana (

(2) Within 45 days of the date of the department's notice of eligibility, the employer shall complete an application electronically through the department's portal and provide all required documents. The application must include:

(a) an affidavit or declaration attesting to the workers' compensation premiums paid per semester for students employed in a high-quality work-based learning opportunity;

(b) the amount of reimbursement that the employer seeks, with a calculation of the premium paid per student;

(c) that the employer adheres to safe working conditions and that the first two hours, at a minimum, of the student's employment were devoted to safety instruction through a safety training program that is specific to the student's employment;

(d) that the amount sought is only for the workers' compensation premiums for a student employed in a qualified high-quality work-based learning opportunity;

(e) that the employer complied with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding student employment;

(f) any other documents that the department requires to process payment; and

(g) a declaration pursuant to 1-6-104, MCA, that the information is true and correct to the best of the employer's knowledge.

 Amendments and Denials


(1) The department shall evaluate each application and make a determination as to:

(a) whether the application is complete and accurate; and

(b) the amount of the reimbursement.

(2) If the department is satisfied that an employer's application is complete and accurate, the department will issue the reimbursement subject to funding.

(3) Because funding is limited, consistent with the department's intent to encourage as many different employers as possible to hire students in high-quality work-based learning opportunities, the department reserves the right to defer reimbursement for multiple students employed by a single employer. In the event of deferral, the department will notify the employer in writing. Applications for which review has been deferred will be considered and evaluated on a quarterly basis as funding allows.

(4) If the department denies an application for reimbursement, the employer may submit an amended application.


Montana Department of Labor and Industry